Your Calling

Your Calling

The chances of loving everything you do, and everything that you will go through in life are slim, but you’re not alone. Research suggests that less than 20% of people worldwide actually love what they do for a living, and as a result they live happier, less stressful lives. So, how can you achieve this? How can you end up going to bed at night happy, eager for the next day to begin so you can do it all over again? You can do it, by finding your calling.




The order in which we complete our daily tasks is down to how we prioritise them. You'll often find yourself doing the more important, urgent things first, and leave the less important things till later. Most of the time, the things that we prioritise matter to us – that's why we do them.




People who have positive thoughts about the future, and manage to see the positives in even the worst scenarios are known as optimists. But what is optimism? Well, optimism is a mentally driven attitude of positivity and confidence. These people expect good things to happen, and are often able to come back stronger, and quicker from setbacks than those who think negatively.

